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Medical Qigong treatment sessions may help alleviate a variety of painful conditions.   Here are some examples: 

  • sports injuries - sprains, strains, contusions, spasms, shin splints, etc.

  • chronic painful joint conditions - arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis

  • shoulder, neck, and/or back pain

  • knee conditions - chondromalacia, patellar tendinitis


Please note:  Medical Qigong treatment sessions are not a substitute ​for seeing your medical doctor. 


Sue Zeger

Me the first morning at GC.jpeg

Over the years I've participated in many different fitness, recreation, and competitive sports activities.  With all of this movement coupled with not having an understanding about rest, recovery, and listening to my body, injuries occurred.  I still had yet to learn about the root cause of an injury and how my lifestyle was affecting my Qi (vital energy) and my meridians, the energy pathways where Qi flows.


My academic and professional background was in Athletic Training and Exercise Physiology. During my professional life, I approached injury care and rehabilitation in a very compartmental way; specifically evaluating the anatomy and physiology of an athlete's injury and creating subsequent treatment and rehabilitation protocols from this information.  I used ice to decrease (and suppress) swelling and pain and suggested ibuprofen (according to MD standing orders) to further suppress the pain/inflammation process.  In this narrow approach, I was basically telling the body to be quiet rather than looking at the location of the injury, pain, and other symptoms as important messages about imbalances and stagnation in the meridians.  These athletes needed to be seen through a much wider lense - looking at their lifestyle, their thoughts/emotions, and many other important aspects about who they were at this moment in time.


In terms of exercise and competition, I had very little guidance about listening to my body; knowing when to rest and honoring the messages that my injuries were telling me.  My love of movement coupled with training hard and not wanting to take a break, over time weakened my relationship with my body's wisdom, which had both physical and emotional consequences.  Though, I’m grateful for the information that I acquired through my academics and professional work experience, I have found the Traditional Chinese Medicine Five Element Framework approach to healing and wellness to go exponentially deeper with many more lasting benefits.  A wholistic approach that is based on the understanding that everything is connected and everything is energy. 

In 2018, I was incredibly fortunate to be accepted into the LifeForce: Tao of Medical Qigong program and be given the amazing opportunity to study with Grand Master Nan Lu, Director and President of both the Tao of Healing and Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation.  The comprehensive year long training required daily, intensive Qigong practice, attending trainings/workshops, Qigong retreats, Qigong class, and weekly Medical Qigong group support calls.  This experience and my continued Qigong practice has allowed me to go deeper into my own self healing, which has been incredibly challenging and a tremendous gift.  I am beyond grateful.

I look forward to and would be honored to be part of your unique healing and wellness journey.

"Only Qi can give you freedom."


LifeForce:  Tao of Medical Qigong (MQ) is an ancient Chinese energy treatment that can connect directly with the meridians (invisible energy pathways that travel throughout the body).  Qi or life force flows through these meridians or pathways.  For this session clothes remain on and there is no direct touch involved.  Treatment can be received while lying on a table or sitting in a chair, whichever is more comfortable.  This treatment approach is based on the Five Element Framework.  When Qi gets blocked or stagnated, pain can result.  Medical Qigong treatments can help eliminate this stagnation by giving Qi a boost so that it can then flow more smoothly through the meridians.  The 60 minute Medical Qigong session will also include an overview of the Four Energy Gates and a Lifestyle/Wellness Consultation.

The Four Energy Gates are the major energy (Qi) intersections in the body.   Grand Master Nan Lu and his master created this simple, yet powerful self healing routine.  By stimulating these intersections or points with acupressure, you can give your whole body a boost and potentially alleviate chronic painful conditions like headaches, low back pain, neck and shoulder pain, etc. They're easy to learn and can be practiced almost anywhere.  The Four Energy Gates will be part of your Medical Qigong treatment session.  This self healing routine can also be scheduled as a  separate session if you'd like to spend more time learning and practicing each of the energy gates.



In this session we will primarily be focusing on your day-to-day schedule to see where you can incorporate rest, relaxation, gentle movement, and energy practice to conserve and build your Qi.  Small, digestible changes will be suggested that can seamlessly be woven into your daily life that can have a profound effect on how you feel.  This consultation will also be part of your Medical Qigong session.

This session can be scheduled separately if you'd like to spend more time in this area.  This consultation is now available via Zoom, Whatsapp, or phone.  It can also take place as a Walk & Talk in one of our local parks (weather permitting).  


60 min. session = $150

45 min. session = $120

*Session structure and time frame can be flexible to meet your budgetary needs if the above options don't work for you.

Payments can be made via Venmo or check.

If you're not feeling well, please cancel/reschedule as soon as you're able to.  Generally, there is a 24 hour cancellation policy for less ugent reasons. 

Please note, Medical Qigong sessions are not appropriate for individuals who are undergoing active cancer treatment, wearing a pacemaker, those who have experienced a stroke/TIA, or individuals who are currently pregnant. 



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